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“Our way of life, based on these twelve steps and twelve traditions, has brought us physical, emotional and spiritual healing, that we don’t hesitate to call miraculous. What works for us will work for you, too.”

–The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous

To speak with someone about OA, please call the Contact Us# (614) 641-0751

To see our list of local/zoom meetings click on Homepage here, click "Find A Meeting" button

FREE Downloadable Brochure Available: "Where Do I Start", link to OA Bookstore



Here on COSIGOA, some group  meetings are face-to-face (in their listed location) or are hybrid (in-person at location and on Zoom).


The  Find A Meeting link is updated as changes occur, so keep checking back on this site, by clicking on the "Find a Meeting" button above and keep coming back!


Intergroup number: 09134

Address: PO Box 14268, Columbus OH, United States 43214-4268

Phone: (614) 641-0751


Contributions to COSIGOA, download form and send checks to address above.


Click  Tradition 7 for other ways to contribute.

Sign up for the Central Ohio OA emails (monthly)

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