Central Ohio Service Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous

"Every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting,
declining outside contributions."
Spiritual Principal: Responsibility
Zoom is paid for by our Central Ohio Intergroup, for meetings' use
and for members holding roles for organizing and chairing meetings.
Local groups use contributions for rent and other needs. They may also contribute a percentage to Intergroup, Region 5 and World Service, as referenced in the 7th Tradition pamphlet.
Meeting Group
Who is the meeting group's Treasurer? Some meetings may not have a Treasurer.
​Either way, consider holding a group conscience to discuss how your meeting would like to handle Tradition 7 regardless of whether face-to-face, online or hybrid meeting type. For Online only meetings, there may be an additional message or link that will be posted in the online chat for Tradition 7.
If the group has a Treasurer role, they may have a preferred method for collecting contributions. At face-to-face/Hybrid meetings, a basket may be passed.
Electronic Payments via Zelle:
At our Central Ohio Service Intergroup, one can contribute through Zelle.
Check your bank account to see if you have it. If you do, use:
Recipient Name: Central Ohio Service Intergroup
Email: Treasurercosig@gmail.com
If the question, "Is this a Business" pops up, please make sure to
check the box.
For Mailing Contributions:
-Make checks payable to: Central Ohio Service Intergroup
-Send a check to our Post Office Box (we collect at least monthly):
-Go to our Contact Us page for the address. (COSIGOA Group# 09134).
Region 5 of Overeaters Anonymous consists of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Chicago area of Illinois and South Western Ontario Canada.
Region 5 - Tradition 7 contribution, ​Region 5's address:
Region 5 Overeaters Anonymous, P.O. Box 221224, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
or contribute online, use a credit/debit card in a secure online process.
The World Service Office (WSO) has a physical office in the U.S. that is maintained and includes paid staff to direct the many efforts for OA on a global scale.
This is all paid for by the members, through our contributions for the meeting groups we attend, whether virtual or in person.
We can provide our Tradition 7 contribution in two ways:
​Use the Contribution form, print it and mail it in ​​with a check or use a
credit/debit card in the secure online process at https://oa.org/contribute.